Escape to Paradise

Lahoy, in English, means to slip through and being in Bohol Lahoy Dive Resort in Cabantian, Guindulman  means saying goodbye temporary to t...

Lahoy, in English, means to slip through and being in Bohol Lahoy Dive Resort in Cabantian, Guindulman  means saying goodbye temporary to the stressful demands of our individual lives and slipping through a space of beautiful tranquility amidst chirping birds, lush trees, and the scenic sea.

Bohol Lahoy 1

The resort, owned by German national Michael Herder and managed by the Swiss couple Hanspeter and Daniela Ritter, takes you to enjoy the laid back life of the Bohol's east side.  Guests have all expressed their pledges to come back, saying that they feel in love with the peaceful silence of the place as they get to relax in their comfy villas.

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This bungalow houses three rooms.

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This is their family bungalow

An hour away from Tagbilaran City, the calming silence at Bohol Lahoy Dive Resort is waiting for you to experience.  One of it's main attraction is that miniature version of a cliff dive that you'll do at Batong Galain, a separated rock formation from the rocky cliffs along the Cabantian shore lines. (galain in Visayan means doing something distinct or in contrary to something. It can also mean opting to be separated from the group).

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A view of the rocky but breathtakingly beautiful sea of Cabantian, Guindulman

My paternal grandmother leaves in Cabantian and during one visit (I was college already at that time), I had the chance to set foot at the iconic Batong Galain. And one thing I could describe it is treacherous. At the side nearer to the shoreline, it would seem that it won't be a scary jump on the other side but once you see the other edge, you'll realize how deep the water is already.  You'll be jumping on a deep space surrounded by corals.  If you ask me if I did jump, no because I was too scared.  But the brave souls will surely enjoy the jump and would surely repeat it.

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That's Batong Galain!

You may simply stay in and forget about the world for a moment, or experience a miniature version of a cliff dive at Batong Galain, or go diving in their different dive spots.  Whatever your concept is of a peaceful serene vacation, Lahoy is ready to take charge.

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You may spend some quiet moments here in their dining area

For reservations and more info, visit or contact 09294541635 or 09202798228

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