Nine Mornings

8/9 Misa de Gallo (or Misa de Aguinaldo, whichever is correct). #Christmas #ChristmasPh #BeholdBohol #AlburBohol #StaMonicaParish A photo po...

It is said that when you completed attending all nine dawn masses, you can make a special prayer (I don't like using the word wish here) and it will be granted.  I didn't give it much thought when I was younger.  I felt like if people attend and complete the mass for it, then going to mass was useless.

It was only last year that I was able to complete the dawn mass.  2013 was a trying year and when the calendars hit the Christmas season, I just felt the wanting to attend.  I found solace in attending the Misa de Gallo and despite having to wake up at around 3 in the morning, I faced every morning with a happy disposition.  Every time I attended the mass, I tried to strengthen my relationship with my Creator.

While attending the masses, I realized that despite what happened, I had so much to be thankful for.  Dawn after dawn, mass after mass, for nine days, I kept thanking the Lord for all that He has bestowed upon me, especially the things that matter most: a life, a complete and happy family, and true friends.

I had my petitions, though.  And among them was what I would call my "Christmas prayer",  It was my "wish" if ever I complete the dawn masses.  I asked for a decent, well-paying job where I would not have to wear a uniform, enjoy what I do, do what I love, and love what I do.  I prayed for it even after nine mornings.

Almost eight months down the line, I received the answer to my prayers, just as I asked it.  And it was not just one gift.  I had two.  It made me realize how incredible my God is for answering my prayers.  I realized how important it is to ask as specific as possible.  I realized how going to Church, not because you are after an answered prayer, but to simply communicate with God, is essential.

That answered prayer after nine mornings made me feel I was fortunate enough, that despite all that has happened, the Lord answered my prayer in His own perfect time.  It made me think of all those who await for answers and for those who need God's positive response the most.  Now, I always pray for everyone, that God listen and answer their prayers just as He answered mine.

This morning, for the second year, I completed the mass.  I have a different Christmas prayer now, including the speedy recovery of my uncle who is in the ICU for a month already. My petitions have always been basic, because these are what matters most: a successful life, a healthy safe family, happiness and peace to everyone I loved, and answered prayers to all those who pray.  And I'm very much positive that God is listening to me.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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